Taurus Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is a Feminine sign, a member of the Fixed quality and the Earth element. The symbol of the sign Taurus is the bull's horns and head, its ruling planet Venus. The Sun enters the sign Taurus around the 21st of April and leaves around the 21st of May. In Taurus, the soul gains substance, transforming itself into a physical body. This is the second month of spring and Taurus' qualities relate to the beauty of the natural world at this time of year.

One of the legends says that Cerus was a wandering and lonely bull. Cerus was wild and uncontrollable, he had no owner. One day, Persephone, the goddess of spring, found him treading flowers and approached him. The beauty and sweetness of the girl soothed him and the animal fell madly in love with her. Persephone domesticated Cerus and taught him to be patient and to use his strength intelligently.

In autumn, when Persephone goes to Hades, Cerus travels to heaven and becomes the constellation Taurus. Every year, in spring, Persephone returns to earth and Cerus joins her. At that moment, the goddess sits on his back and he roams the sun-flooded fields as she makes all the plants bloom.